Time is slipping by quickly. As a business owner you need your team to operate more efficiently; be more accountable; rely on you less and get more done! To reach maximum value you need the right people in the right seats, on the same page, solving the most important issues, and focused on the right opportunities. Until your business is operating at this level, you cannot maximize the value of your company.
Maybe you're hearing from other business owners how the Entrepreneurial Operating System ("EOS") is helping them achieve their goals... or maybe you're hearing that your competitors are using it already. You wonder: How can I implement EOS in my business?
There are 3 options:
- GOOD: Self-implement: Following the book, many businesses will look to save money as they implement EOS themselves. This is moderately helpful for some, but many owners describe to me that, "we discuss EOS a lot - but haven't made any significant progress". This is not surprising when the leadership team has limited resources to tap into when questions or issues arise.
- BETTER: Hire a certified EOS Implementer. Your Implementer will spend 1 day per month for three months, and then 1 day per quarter. To be most successful with this option, your selected Integrator must spend hours studying EOS (in addition to the time spent with your Implementer) to learn how every component of this "eco-system" works. This will get EOS off the ground better and faster than self-implementers, but the transformational change and growth will eventually fall short because the impact of the tool without mastery is short lived. These companies will grow - but usually will not reach their full potential because there are aspects of the EOS model that are minimized, excluded, or not used properly.
- BEST: Hire a Fractional Integrator who has already mastered every aspect of this management model to help you achieve life-changing value in your company. A fractional Integrator will provide hands-on training your future Integrator and the rest of your leadership team! Clients are fully immersed in EOS weekly, learning how this "eco-system" works. In 6-12 months, the leadership team will fully understand the EOS model and how to use it for transformational growth and life-changing business value.
I am a prior business owner who used EOS in my business; a prior EOS Implementer who was thoroughly trained to guide leadership teams on the proper implementation process; and today I am a Fractional EOS Integrator teaching companies how to effectively use this exceptional management model.
Review my professional background on Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/robtmgreen/